Dr. Mark Sinyor 0:00 And there is now a lot of emerging research which shows that when you show people, other people's stories of survival, stories of people who are in really, really bad shape is sometimes think of it like as a rags to riches story. If you're thinking of the narrative of what you're talking about something really bad has happened or riches to rags to riches. Something really, really bad is happening to a person, they're in a really, really tough spot. And they think it looks like maybe they're going to attempt suicide them thinking about it, and then they don't they go to the hospital or they they speak to a friend or a relative and they have a positive and unexpected positive outcome and they survive. We know that disseminating stories like that, stories of hope, can can have the opposite effect and can actually be associated with a reduction in in suicides across the population. Transcribed by https://otter.ai