I would say that you, I felt like I really had to sort of judge things as I went like it. And especially, especially in the first couple of days, because it felt like, people were really in a state of shock as they were walking around or trying to figure out what happened to people that had that were missing. And you sort of just had to take it on, on a personal basis, like have have a conversation with someone and see how they wanted to, if they wanted to talk if they didn't want to talk if they wanted to, you know, get into details about something or not. And, and I think just sort of be respectful of where people were, were at with their interest in in speaking and I think some people do find it very, I don't know if it's the word is useful or cathartic or, like I think some people do appreciate an opportunity to tell a story. So I think there's just a lot of sort of awareness that you have to or you sort of have to keep your eyes open to how somebody might be reacting to something and figure out as you go, whether whether it's appropriate to keep probing or pushing for for more information from them.